INSPIRE Santa Fe is currently launching its 5th year!
We are especially excited to have such an incredible team of committed and enthusiastic educators working with the program for the 2018-19 program year, including:
Tony Gerlicz, Co-Director; Facilitator - Mandela International Magnet School
Zach Taylor, Co-Director; Facilitator - The Masters Program
Christian Casillas, Consultant
Lisa Jo Goldman, Facilitator - SFHS/CHS
Martin Olea, Facilitator - SFHS/CHS
Steve Heil, SAGE Gifted Education Services
Geoffrey Moon, SAGE Gifted Education Services
We already have many young people looking to expand their learning horizons and are currently seeking mentors with a particular skill, expertise, or background in the following areas (if you or someone you know are interested in becoming a mentor please go to and "Sign Up"!):
Graphic Design
Psychology / Creative Writing
Social Justice / Environmental Law
Chemistry / Photography
Constitutional Law / Theoretical Physics
Electrical Engineering / Computers
Computer Programming / Italian
Law / Soccer
Drawing / Painting / Photography
Alzheimers, Astronomy, Astrology, Global Cultures, Community Service, Biofuels, Medicine, Psychology, Sustainability
Audio Production / Japanese
Anesthesiology, Lawyer, Marketing And Advertising
Creative Novel Writing / Culinary/cooking
Law / Computer Programming
Theater / Archaeology
Financial Services / Investments
Computer Programming
Medical / Women's Health
Film / Film Making
Nutrition / Health
Vet / Animal Care
Medical / Nurse
On the evening of May 4th, 2018, Inspire Santa Fe celebrated its 4th annual Festival of Learning in partnership for the first time with the Santa Fe Mentoring and Tutoring Collaborative ( More than 150 mentors and protégés from across the City of Santa Fe showcased their learning together, demonstrating that learning can happen anywhere. A special thank you to the City of Santa Fe, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Communities in Schools, The Interfaith Coalition, Santa Fe Community Foundation and the Santa Fe Public Schools for a wonderful event and a wonderful year!
The 2016-2017 Podcast
Three Inspire Santa Fe mentorships share their experiences, stories, insights, and explorations. Listen up!
MUSIC: Isaiah Armijo & Mikey Baker | IMMIGRATION LAW: Isabel Chavez & Isaac Hernandez & Emma O’Sullivan | SOCIAL PROFIT: Riley Bordner & Michael Weinberg | (Music by Raven Swing with mentor David McDonald)
"There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action
Marlena Chapman and Myra Krien (Pomegranate Studios). Belly dance.
"...and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique.
Zayra Costa with Nelson Lopez (Santa Fe Computer Works). Computer Repair.
"And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost.”
Dancer and Choreography, Martha Graham
Fabiola Perez with Leslie Holland. Visual arts.
Find your unique expression through Inspire Santa Fe!